Monday, 16 June 2014

The construction on my roof

A few months ago, I walked through the entrance of my building and saw a notice. "Roof repairs will be being conducted throughout June. We apologize for any inconvenience.

I didn't think much of it, they'd been doing a lot of work around my neighbourhood, the only time it had been an inconvenience to me is when I had to shut my window to shut out the sound of landscapers at 9 a.m. When the roofers began working, they started on the side of the building opposite mine. It wasn't so bad.

I work nights, so I usually "sleep in" pretty late. But starting about a week ago, I was awoken suddenly by a loud bang, so forceful it shook the walls around me. In a sleepy haze I attributed it to people moving in next to me. The bangs got louder and more frequent, I started thinking these people were just straight going to destroy their house before they even moved in.

Then all of a sudden, it sounded like they were IN my place. That got me out of bed, wandering my house with my samurai sword (looking pretty cool). I stumbled round, looking for robbers to fight. Then I figured it out, these sounds were ABOVE me. The roofers!

My ninja repellent

Now I'm woken up every day  by them, I can honestly say that fixing a roof sounds almost the exact same way as if you were kicking the shit out of the roof. I expect to hear them yell "Fuck this roof!" as they smash it particularly hard. Every time I'm in a skype call people think my room mates are in a fight to the death.

I can't really complain though. The hallway outside my place had water damage and the ceiling was getting pretty bad. So I wish the roofers good luck. Although I wish they WERE ninjas just so that they did it quietly.